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PCL's traditional Airflow, Vertex, XF-Euro and Safeflow couplings now feature a distinctive blue band

On the 75th anniversary of PCL’s invention of the original UK standard coupling, PCL is pleased to reveal the latest generation of couplings.

Invented in the UK by PCL and still built and tested in Sheffield, PCL has improved the design and material thickness of the coupling to enhance its durability and ease of use making it the longest lasting coupling of its type available.

To increase traceability, safety and identification, PCL has also added a date stamp and added a blue PCL band to ensure you can identify a genuine PCL product and the benefit this brings.

With these changes PCL is now able to offer a 5-year warranty on all blue band couplings.

PCL couplings are used in a wide range of applications

Explore the updated range

PCL's "Made in Sheffield" couplings range from the Airflow series for fixed applications and Vertex Series for trailing applications, to the common Industry Interchanges and Safety couplings.
PCL Airflow Coupling & Adaptor

PCL Vertex Coupling & Adaptor

PCL XF Coupling & Adaptor

PCL Safeflow Safety Coupling and Adaptor

Unsure which coupling type or thread size you need?

How to measure a coupling thread size guide

How to measure the thread size of a coupling

Thread sizes are based on trade size rather than actual dimension, which often leads to confusion. See our handy guide to measuring a thread and identifying it as a British Standard Pipe (BSP).

How to identify couplings and adaptors

How to identify couplings & adaptors

Identifying couplings can be difficult, that’s why our catalogue can be used as a handy tool to help users identify the profile of the coupling and adaptor they require.